Coach Eric
Schedule a free orientation meeting
You are gently challenged to explore and experience with me. The coaching process provides you with more self-awareness, space for new choices, and concrete steps in the direction you desire. As a coach, I blend keen insight and humor to assist you in reaching your goal. I’m eager to work with you.
You can contact me with questions about
….your life-themes in work and private life where you get stuck or want to take more control. Topics that are close to your heart. I help you achieve more clarity, make choices and take action.
For example, you can contact me with questions like:
- How can I better choose for myself?
- I have a dilemma, which option is best for me?
- I would like to become more assertive, but how?
- I’m bored with my work, now what?
- I have larger ambitions, but I cannot achieve them with this employer.
- How do I balance my energy?
- How do I deal with loss? E.g. job-loss, death or divorce.
- I always solve everything with my mind, how do I use my feelings and emotions more?
- How do I communicate more positively with my colleague or partner?
- How can I become less insecure or less afraid?
Every topic is negotiable, including your theme. Even if you’ve never discussed it with anyone before. The most important thing is that you feel safe in the conversation with me. That is why there is always an introduction meeting free of charge.
Highly educated, HSP and internationals are specific target groups with whom I connect well.

This is how I work
We start our interaction with a first orientation meeting, during which we define the question you have and translate that into a clear goal. We also find out whether we feel a good match and want to continue together.
Regular coaching involves 4-9 sessions of appr. 1.5 hour each during 2-3 months. During the coaching sessions I will ask questions and apply various methods and exercises that help you reach your goal. I use several different techniques like Neuro Linguistic Programming, Acceptance & Commitment Training and Voice Dialogue. And when Stress or Burnout are important topics, I can apply body and mind methods like breathing therapy and stress release exercises.
My role as your coach is being a mirror, sometimes confronting , sometimes empathetic. I help you focus on your patterns, self awareness and personal growth. People see me as involved, relaxed and a good listener.
Sometimes you will receive home assignments. And we regularly check whether you are still on track towards your goal(s) or whether a goal needs to be adapted.
With me being your coach you will be challenged to be open, to discover and to try new possibilities. Coaching will offer you a beautiful chance for personal growth.
- Burn-out (stress) coach
- Life coach
- Loopbaancoach (zelfinzicht)
My certifications
- Coach Intensive, NONONS Rotterdam
- EIA Gecertificeerd
- Lid van NOBCO
- ACT Fundamentals, High Performance Academy
- ACT, ACT-GUIDE, Amsterdam
- DISC, Talent First, Delft
- Ademcoaching, Annette Weers, Leiden
- Virtual Reality Stress Coach, KANA, Leeuwarden
In addition to the personal one-on-one coaching conversation, I practice:
- 1 op 1 coaching
- Walking coaching
- E-coaching/Online coaching
- Coaching-on-the-job
- Home-coaching
- Breathing-therapy
- Icebath challenge à la Wim Hof (conquer fear and break with old patterns)
International experiences
I have worked in multinational companies in the chemical industry for 20 years. I have lived in Canada, France, Indonesia, Australia and Germany. I speak English, Dutch, German and French. And I can understand Spanish and Italian.
My mother was born in Indonesia and my wife was born in Suriname, South America. So, having an open mind to other cultures and habits comes natural to me.
Coaching in Dutch, English and German. Understanding and conversation in French, Spanish and Italian.

Locations Coach Eric
Schedule a free orientation meeting with Coach Eric
After you have completed the form, you will immediately receive a confirmation and the intake questions by e-mail. Looking forward to meeting you!
Advantages of GORT®
- Determine the number of conversations yourself
- Guaranteed quality
- Nr.1 choice of expats in NL!